Our Carbon Reduction Initiative

We get it. Combustion engines burn fuel, tuner cars burn even more fuel, making these cars and their mods in the first place burn still more fuel. Many aspects of this lifestyle is not great for the environment, no matter how you look at it.

That's why we're so grateful that we're able to present Shop Pay as a payment option at checkout. Every purchase made through Shop Pay goes towards carbon removal initiatives, working to undo the damage that combustion engines (among other things of course, we're not all to blame) has done.

A variety of projects are supported this way, not just planting a couple trees here and there for photo ops or paying off some taxes and calling it done. How does planting 4.6M mangrove trees in Senegal, Africa with help from WeForest sound? How about protecting 123.6M at-risk trees in the Peruvian rainforest with help from Pachama?

It's not just trees either, there's also carbon removal programs on land, sea, and air that is actually pulling the carbon out of the atmosphere. Imagine - the CO2 from the fuel you burn on that last dyno pull getting sucked back out of the air itself and being turned into a stone somewhere else in the world.

Higher horsepower, lower carbon footprint. You just have to choose Shop Pay at checkout to make it happen. Read more about it right here.